مقالات علمی منتشر شده توسط دکتر شیرزاد هوشیان
منتخب بیش از 50 مقاله علمی نوشته شده توسط دکتر شیرزاد هوشیان
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منتخب بیش از 50 مقاله علمی نوشته شده توسط دکتر شیرزاد هوشیان
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مقاله ثبت شده
Appleton P(1), Moran M, Houshian S, Robinson CM. September 2006 The Bone & Joint Journal 88(8):1065-70 Although the use of constrained cemented arthroplasty to treat distal femoral fractures in elderly patients has some practical advantages over the use of techniques of fixation, concerns as to a high rate of loosening after implantation of these prostheses […]
C Michael Robinson 1, S Houshian, L A K Khan November 2005 The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 87(10):2217-26 Abstract Background: Subtrochanteric fractures of the femur that are caused by low-energy trauma are less common than other proximal femoral fractures, but they occur in a similar population of elderly individuals, who are often socially dependent and medically frail. Although […]
Shirzad Houshian 1, Shan Shan Jing, Chandrasekar Chikkamuniyappa, Gholam Hussein Kazemian, Mohammad Emami-Moghaddam-Tehrani August 2013 The Journal of hand surgery 38(8):1651-8 Abstract Chronic flexion contracture of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint presents a common yet challenging problem to hand surgeons. Over the years, multiple treatment modalities have been described for this problem, producing limited results. Nonoperative treatment using serial casting and […]
Shirzad Houshian 1, Shan Shan Jing, Gholam Hussein Kazemian, Mohammad Emami-Moghaddam-Tehrani September 2013 (The Journal of hand surgery 38A(10 Abstract Purpose: To report the medium- to long-term outcomes of joint distraction using a unilateral external fixator in the treatment of chronic post-traumatic proximal interphalangaeal (PIP) joint contractures. Method: Between September 2001 and October 2011, 94 consecutive patients (98 PIP joints) with […]
Shirzad Houshian 1, Anette Koch Holst, Morten S Larsen, Trine Torfing September 2004 Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 24(5):472-6 Abstract The authors studied the relation between residual angulation at the time of healing and final orientation of the distal radius as well as the clinical outcome in patients after Salter-Harris type II epiphyseal plate injury of the distal radius. Eighty-five patients […]
S Houshian 1, H A Schrøder, R Weeth February 2002 Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery 36(6):373-5 Abstract We present our experience with correction of Madelung’s deformity by the Ilizarov technique. Seven patients (eight deformities) were treated by osteotomy of the radius with subsequent lengthening and angular correction. They were reviewed at a mean of […]
Shirzad Houshian 1, Ole Skov, Rainer E Weeth February 2002 Scandinavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Hand Surgery Abstract Two children with congenital brachymetatarsia of the fourth metatarsal bone were treated by osteotomy of the metatarsal bone and bone lengthening by the Ilizarov technique. Both children were cosmetically improved.
Shirzad Houshian 1, Sedigheh Seyedipour, Niels Wedderkopp August 2006 International Journal of Infectious Diseases 10(4):315-9 Abstract Objective: The aim of the study was to delineate and update the bacteriological spectrum, characterize patterns and sites of injury, evaluate laboratory tests and possible causes of complications in patients with bacterial hand infections. Methods: All hand infections operated on in the department of orthopedics […]
S Houshian 1, S S Jing February 2013 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 39(3) Abstract We present the outcomes of the delayed management of eight displaced intra-articular fractures of the metacarpal and phalangeal heads treated with capsuloligamentotaxis using the Penning mini-external fixator. Closed anatomical reduction with a 2 mm over-distraction was achieved at the time of operation […]
Shirzad Houshian 1, Shan Shan Jing January 2013 Hand Surgery 18(1):73-8 Abstract Treatment of Rolando fractures remains a challenge for hand surgeons. We present a case series of 16 comminuted Rolando type fractures treated by controlled capsuloligamentous distraction (and over distraction by 2 mm) using the Pennig mini-external fixation system. Additional Kirschner wire(s) were used to maintain fracture […]
S Houshian 1 July 2000 British Journal of Sports Medicine 34(3):218-9 Abstract Traumatic duodenal rupture resulting from blunt trauma during soccer is an extremely rare occurrence. A case report of this unusual condition is presented together with a review of the literature.
S Houshian 1, J S Sørensen, K E Jensen October 1998 Journal of Pediatric Surgery 33(9):1399-401 Abstract Volvulus of the transverse colon is extremely rare in children. A case report of this unusual condition in a 9-year-old girl is presented together with a review of the literature. The transverse colon volvulus was managed operatively by detorsion. Four and half […]
C McLean 1, H Adlington, S Houshian September 2007 Injury 38(8):926-30 Abstract During the past 18 months we have managed four paediatric patients who have sustained forearm refractures associated with retained plates that were used to treat their original fracture. Although this complication is not new, most literature regarding paediatric forearm refracture relates to refractures that occur after closed […]
Shirzad Houshian 1, Anette Koch Holst, Morten S Larsen, Trine Torfing September 2004 Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 24(5):472-6 Abstract The authors studied the relation between residual angulation at the time of healing and final orientation of the distal radius as well as the clinical outcome in patients after Salter-Harris type II epiphyseal plate injury of the distal radius. Eighty-five patients […]
S Houshian 1, H M Andersen March 2000 Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 10(1):47-50 Abstract Rollerskating is an activity that has become increasingly popular over the past several years among children and adults in Denmark. During a 7-month period in 1997, 300 in-line skaters and 107 roller skaters were treated in the Emergency Department, Esbjerg […]
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